The Jewish Community Center of Central New Jersey Launches a New Website to Better Serve Members

Published: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 | Tags: Case Study, JCC Case Study, JCC Membership Software, JCC website, Jewish Community Center, Website Design

New Jewish Community Center Website launch

The Jewish Community Center of Central New Jersey is celebrating the launch of their new website to better serve their members and staff. This J offers a bountiful selection of programs for their community; from arts & culture, to camps, early childhood programs, fitness & wellness, sports & recreation and aquatics–there is something for everyone in the family to enjoy at JCC of Central New Jersey.

We wanted to highlight the top design and functionality features on this site and congratulate this Jewish Community Center on their next-generation website.

Homepage Features

Being able to quickly update the homepage of your Jewish Community Center with timely news, facility updates, upcoming events, camp and preschool registration is important. Using 立博客户端app下载’s Freedom Software to build their website, JCC of Central New Jersey can easily upload new images, graphics or content to their homepage components at any time in-house. 

The homepage image slider displays this JCC’s key December events and early-bird camp registration. These photos and call-to-action can easily be updated with other news and events.

JCC Website Homepage Feature

Front and center are two important features for members: Events Calendar and Virtual Calendar. Both calendars display a grid with large typography of the date of events along with the event title and a call-to-action button for more information.

 Events Calendar and Virtual Calendar

The Check This Out section allows JCC of Central NJ to showcase important news, announcements and upcoming event registrations. 

 Check This Out section

Right above the homepage footer is a scrolling library of clickable logos of organizations that support this JCC.

Design and Functionality

On the Events lister page, users are able to easily peruse events, which are hosted virtually or in person. Registering is simple and members can login to their account to have event registration sync to their profile. A cool Virtual Event feature is the Remind Me call-to-action where JCC of Central NJ will send over an email reminder either same day, one or two days before an event. 

Events lister page

The utility navigation menu in the top right corner is uniquely designed in a grid format with colorful text and icons. The main navigation is also unique on this site as it is not displayed traditionally across the homepage but as a hamburger menu with a popout navigation in the left-hand corner. When an organization has a lot of categories in their navigation, it’s best practice to display your navigation in either a mega menu or hamburger menu like JCC of Central NJ. 

Utility navigation menu

The Fitness & Wellness page has unique design components such as drop-down drawers to schedule Group Fitness Classes and Floor Time. Scrolling down the page, you’ll notice the use of design trends such as grids and frames to display images and main headlines. 

Fitness and wellness page


This website redesign has positioned the JCC of Central NJ to seamlessly migrate to 立博客户端app下载’s JCC management tools with 立博客户端app下载 Freedom. Freedom for JCCs is a total software solution that includes member management, program management, reservations, scheduling, early childhood and camps and more.

If you're interested in integrating any of these website design, navigation or functionality features or learn more about Freedom Software for your Jewish Community Center, please reach out to us and someone from our team will be in contact with you.

We LOVE working with non-profits. See what 立博客户端app下载 could do for you!

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